In the Vatican
Archives, Nunciature in Canada series, there is a fascicle containing
correspondence from the Vernon internment camp to the Apostolic Delegate in
Ottawa, dated April and May 1919. I was surprised to find that one of the
documents in the file had been notarised by Ukrainian Greek-Catholic priest, Reverend
Petro Kamenetsky, “himself a prisoner of war in this camp.” Although he was not
the only Ukrainian Catholic priest arrested in Canada, during the First World
War, Kamenetsky appears to have been the only one to have been interned. For this reason alone, aside from the fact
that he was the first Ukrainian Catholic priest ordained in Canada, his
life-story deserves to be explored as we mark the centenary of the First World
biographical entries have provided only general outlines of Petro Kamenetsky’s
life and none mention his internment. His personal files in Winnipeg and
Toronto are sparse or incomplete, and his Vatican file is virtually empty. In
various publications and sources his name variably appears as Peter Kamenecky
or Kamenetzky. This article is an attempt to provide a more complete biography
by piecing together data from Roman and Canadian archives, as well as recent
research on Ukrainian Canadians and First World War Internment. Hopefully this will
serve as an impetus for further research on Kamenetsky and other little-known
or forgotten Ukrainian church and civic leaders.
Early Life in Austrian Galicia
and his twin brother Pavlo were born on 26 June 1891 to Yosyf Kamenetsky and
Pavlyna Yanitska in the village of Vikno in the Skalat district (present-day
Husiatyn Province of western Ukraine). Their father, Yosyf, was a teacher-cantor
at the church of the Dormition. Pavlo died at the tender age of 5 in 1896. Two
years later, another brother, Volodymyr, was born and then a sister Sophia,
followed by a third brother, Ivan. Petro began elementary school in Postolivka in
1897, and was sent to Ternopil for high school (gymnasium) in 1903. Their
mother died on 16 June 1910, while Petro was completing gymnasium.
the turn of the twentieth century Vikno was inside the ecclesiastical
boundaries of the vast Greek-Catholic Archeparchy of Lviv-Halych. In 1910, at
the age of 19, Kamenetsky was accepted as a seminarian for thr archeparchy by Metropolitan
Andrey Sheptytsky, and he began his priestly studies at the Lviv Greek-Catholic
Major Seminary. One of the four student prefects at the seminary was Father
Nykyta Budka, who was soon to be named bishop for the Ukrainians in Canada.
Seminary and Ordination in Canada 1913–1914
With Budka, St. Augustine's Seminary 1913 |
Bishop Budka began his
Canadian mission with an enthusiastic new approach. Hitherto the local Roman
Catholic bishops, who had turned away married Ukrainian clergy, had been unsuccessful
in providing sufficient pastoral ministration to the Ukrainian immigrants. Proselytised
by every religious and political faction, many Ukrainians were leaving the
Greek-Catholic fold.
In order to salvage what
he could, Budka sought to quickly obtain as many native Ukrainian missionaries
as possible. This alarmed his fellow Canadian bishops, who feared that he would
introduce married clergy into Canada. In response to the bishops’ concerns the Apostolic
See issued a decree entitled Fidelibus
Ruthenis, in August 1913. The decree’s stringent regulations not only
forbade married clergy, it also required prior Vatican approval for each prospective
missionary. The bishop was further instructed to establish a seminary as soon
as possible, in order to prepare Canadian Ukrainians as celibate clergy.
In order to augment the
number of missionaries and to set-up a seminary, Bishop Budka sought recruits from among his former
seminarians in Lviv. In August 1913, eight second-year seminarians obtained
permission to volunteer for the Canadian mission. One of these was Petro
Kamenetsky. Accompanied by Father Lev Sembratovych, the first group of five
seminarians departed for Canada on the Canadian Pacific ship “Ruthenia.” On 28
September 1913, they arrived in Canada at the port of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The
bishop went personally to welcome his new recruits and bring them to St.
Augustine’s Seminary in Toronto.
five young men spent six months at St. Augustine’s, taking part in certain
lectures (some of which were in Latin) and learning the English language. A
Ukrainian professor, Doctor Amvrozii Redkevych, taught material specific to the
Greek-Catholic Church. Pending Redkevych’s arrival, Bishop Budka, who had been
a seminary professor only the previous year, gave the lectures himself. Because
they arrived as seminarians, they did not require the stringent clearance required
by Fidelibus Ruthenis of priests, only
a “dimissorial letter” from their eparchy of origin. When Budka received these testimonials,
even though they had only been six months in their new land, he ordained the
first three seminarians. From his hands, they received the minor orders on 7
March, and the diaconate on 8 March 1914, in St. Augustine’s Seminary chapel. On
22 March 1914, Atanazii Cherepaniak, Yosyf Fylyma and Petro Kamenetsky were the first
Greek-Catholic priests to be ordained in Canada. The ordination took place at
the Italian parish of St. Helen’s. Kamenetsky was destined to be only one his
class who chose to serve out his days in his new country.
First Assignment: Sifton-Ethelbert 1914–1916
Church Sisterhood, Ethelbert 1914 |
Sifton, Manitoba, was one of the most populous Ukrainian settlements
in Canada at the turn of the twentieth century. It was also one of the most
proselytised by Presbyterians, Russian Orthodox, and the Seraphimite sect. The
first Greek-Catholic churches were established in the area as early as 1900. Archbishop
Langevin had obtained permission for a group of French-Canadian secular priests
to serve in the Byzantine Rite and, in 1910 he sent them to the troublesome
district. In addition to administering the church, the Fathers also established
an apostolic missionary school for Ukrainian children. The school project obtained mixed reviews. Although
the institution educated several future Ukrainian priests, professionals, and
civic leaders, many Ukrainians distrusted the motives of the good-willed ‘foreigners’,
and they demanded their own native clergy.
At the beginning of his mission in Canada, Bishop Budka
did not have enough clergy to heed these calls. Also, upon closer inspection,
the Franco-Canadian clergy’s ministration was not as detrimental as some were
making out. As a compromise, in November 1913 he restricted the mission of the French-Canadian
Fathers to the apostolic school. This meant that, for three months, the Sifton church
remained without a priest. Budka was only able to provide one after he had
ordained his first set of priests. Thus, on 1 April 1914, he named newly-ordained
Father Kamenetsky as pastor of the churches in the Sifton and Ethelbert
districts. Before taking up his charge, he celebrated his first solemn Divine
Liturgy at Saint Nicholas Church in Winnipeg, on 7 April.
During Kamenetsky’s term in Sifton-Ethelbert, the bishop
sent a number of Ukrainian priests and laymen to teach at the apostolic school,
and sent prospective seminarians to apprentice, prior to beginning their formal
training. Bishop Budka charged Kamenetsky to teach the Ukrainian language at
the school and, in 1915, named him spiritual director to Sisters Servants of
Mary Immaculate, resident in Sifton. Despite such measures to Ukrainianize the
school, the Sifton community remained rebellious and, encouraged by radical nationalists,
refused to incorporate the church as a Greek-Catholic parish. The Ukrainian
National Home also became a point of contention and Father Petro sought to
bring it under Catholic influence by urging his parishioners, who represented
the majority of the Ukrainian community, to join it en masse.
When the Government of Manitoba abolished bilingual public
education in 1916, Ukrainians of various parties united to form student
residences and other educational institutions. In December of that year, Father
Kamenetsky, who had been transferred to Rosburn, Manitoba, became embroiled in
a heated conflict with a radical politician Nicholas Hryhorczuk (reeve from
1917 and later MLA for Ethelbert) over religious instruction and prayers in
public schools. The following year, Bishop Budka transferred Kamenetsky to
Saskatoon. Extant records to not
indicate whether this conflict, or the one over the national home, had been
factors leading to the transfer.
Saskatoon Conflict 1916–1918
In August 1916 a convention of Ukrainian Canadians of all
parties established a student residence in Saskatoon. Named for Kyivan Orthodox Metropolitan Petro
Mohyla, the institution immediately became the bone of contention between
Bishop Budka and a group of young radical nationalists who sought to lead the
Ukrainian-Canadian community along secular lines. It was in this atmosphere of
contention, in 1917, that Father Kamenetsky was assigned to the city. Seeking to strengthen the faith community, he
and his committee sold two properties purchased in 1912, then acquired old St.
Paul’s Roman Catholic Church. Re-christened St. George’s, this church was destined
to become the cathedral church of the Saskatoon exarchate (later eparchy) in
1948. Father Petro also advised his
flock to become more active in combating the secularist element.
In the meantime, the nationalist radicals had broken with
Bishop Budka and formed the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada, which
was organised along nationalist and democratic lines. Conflicts with its
supporters and those of the Mohyla Institute led to the arrest, on trumped up
charges, of the bishop and Belgian Redemptorist Van den Bosche (known as “Father
Bosky” by the Ukrainians). The charges were immediately withdrawn and Budka and
Bosky were released.
Internment 1918–1920
Ethelbert 1916 |
The circumstances leading to Kamenetsky’s arrest still
need to be clarified. Only two Ukrainian
Catholic archival sources make reference to it.
The first is an entry in the ledger, called the Ordinariate Book, which
listed all official correspondence by the Greek-Catholic bishopric. On page 11 number
15, an undated entry (the previous one was dated 24 August and the subsequent
entry 25 September 1918) contains the following short phrase: “Father
Kamenetsky interned.” The second source is a letter from Budka to Metropolitan
Sheptytsky dated 22 November 1918. The relevant passage reads as follows:
“This last year the student Swystun founded a new
Orthodox faith in Saskatoon for Presbyterians and atheists and is making
terrible trouble. On the back of the Presbyterians he had me and two priests arrested,
of whom, Father Kamenetsky, is still interned until this day.”
Budka associated the new church with Presbyterians
because several of its leaders had been educated at Presbyterian institutions,
and because its democratic organisation seemed to resemble a Protestant rather
than a traditional Orthodox Church. Bearing in mind this clarification, it appears
that Kamenetsky’s arrest was related to the conflict between Ukrainian
Catholics and Orthodox in Saskatoon.
Earlier in the war, two other Ukrainian priests, Father
Mykola Shumsky of Calgary and Father Atanazii Fylipiv of Winnipeg, had also
been arrested but were immediately set free. Bishop Budka lobbied for Shumsky’s
release with the federal justice minister via the Apostolic Delegate in Canada.
Two Winnipeg lawyers testified for Fylypiv. To the Apostolic Delegate Budka wrote: “it is a serious thing, if
Catholic priests are so easily put in jail.” And commenting on the accusations
against Shumsky, the Bishop argued that: “he is unable to commit treason to
Canada, because he is ordained here for Canada and has a Canadian orientation.”
This argument applied equally to Kamenetsky, except that, while he and Shumsky
were Canadian according to Church law, in civil law they were still Austrian subjects,
having arrived in Canada only a year before the the war; (Fylypiv had become a
naturalised British subject over seven years previously).
to a bill passed by the Canadian Parliament on 18 August 1914, “enemy aliens” (foreign
nationals of countries at war with Britain), could be arrested and interned if
they were deemed suspicious or caused any sort of disturbance. Although a paper
trail exists regarding the Catholic Church’s response to Shumsky’s arrest, no analogous
documentation has yet come to light on Kamenetsky’s case. His personal file,
located in the Archives of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg, does not contain a
single record from 1917 to 1922.
government records reveal that arrested between August and September 1918, as the result of a denunciation
to Canadian authorities from the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The FBI accused Kamenetsky of suspicious activities while performing missionary
work in Cuba. It seems unlikely that he
could have travelled to Cuba during his short time in Canada. Accusations might
have been made in the context of “red scare” fears of Communist conspiracies,
since Kamenetsky
had become embroiled in the Catholic-Orthodox conflict in Saskatoon. Further
research is required to determine if informants invented the accusations (as
they had done in the case of Bishop Budka) to implicate and eliminate him from
ministry in Saskatoon.
Father Kamenetsky
became prisoner number 980 and was interned at the camp at Vernon, British
Columbia. An entry in the Greek-Catholic Ordinariate book, under the date 13 February
1919, records that Bishop Budka sent a certificate to the internment camp, testifying
that he had ordained Kamenetsky to the priesthood. This document was probably
requested by camp officials, in order to permit Father Petro to minister to his
fellow inmates. A curriculum vitae from
his personal file in the Toronto Eparchial Archives states that Kamenetsky
acted as “chaplain” to this camp and established a small congregation there.
Fellow prisoners turned to Kamenetsky for assistance in
other matters, besides spiritual ones. A Croatian inmate, Ivan Tomich (prisoner
493), initially interned at Mara Lake, BC in December 1916, was subsequently transferred
to Vernon. Having been arrested for spousal violence, Tomich was seeking a
photograph of his two children. In September 1918, Swiss consular authorities
informed him that the children were being looked after by the Sisters of Providence Orphanage, New Westminster, BC. Tomich wrote to the Catholic
Children’s Aid Society of Vancouver in February and again in March 1919,
requesting a photo. Finally, on 14 April, an angry response arrived signed by a
J.S. Foran, stating that the Society had no time for requests from people like
Tomich. Foran went on to lay moral blame on Ukrainians for some alleged actions
by Austria and Germany during the war:
know enough of the care and attention given to the prisoners taken by your
people in the late war and there has not any of them ever will forget the
brutal customs practised on our men whilst under the care of Germany and
Austria, whilst we were striving to feed and care for their children and yours,
giving to all, like treatment. I trust that our government will deport you to
the country from which you came as an undesirable and in this way rid ourselves
of undesirable company. Your wife has the children [...] but I will do what I
can to have the whole lot deported out of this country to where you came from
and to the only place that fits people of your makeup.”
crimes Tomich himself had committed, such a reply from a representative of the
Catholic Aid Society was so shocking for its un-Christian tone and crass prejudice, that
Tomich’s fellow prisoners urged him to take the matter further. On the same day that Tomich received the
letter, Father Kamenetsky signed an “affidavit” stating that Tomich had indeed
received the reply. And on 3 May 1919, the committee which represented German
and Austrian prisoners in Vernon replied to Foran, on Tomich’s behalf. They accusing
him of hypocrisy and blamed their own interment on the kind of prejudice that Foran
had expressed:
it is men of your type who have caused the thousands of us, who have settled in
this country upon the invitation of your Government, an endless amount of
worry, persecution and unhappiness during the long and painful years of war,
through their hysterical attitude towards us and through their ignorance of our
peaceful aims and aspirations. It is men of your type, who make us yearn
impatiently for the moment when we may turn our backs to a country that has
broken faith with us in such a flagrant manner. Is men of your type, who
prevent those in authority to permit the few amongst us, who have their
families and properties in this country, to return to them, and who have made
them long in vain since months for the moment when they will be reunited with
their dear ones. It is men of your type, who will not permit ill-feeling and
hatred to abate and who are presenting mankind with a gift far deadlier than
war itself.”
6 May 1919, the prisoners’ committee sent copies of the correspondence to the
Apostolic Delegate in Ottawa, noting that they had been witnessed by
Kamenetsky. The papal delegate, Archbishop Pietro Di Maria, replied on 20 May,
assuring the committee that he had “carefully taken cognisance” of the correspondence.
But the delegation’s file does not indicate whether or not the matter was taken
any further.
Petro’s father, Yosyf Kamenetsky,
who had imigrated to Canada in 1912, sent numerous petitions to the Minister of
Justice and General Otter, begging for the release of his two sons, Petro and Ivan.
Father Petro was discharged on on 1 November 1919, upon the intervention of Father
Redkevych, Bishop Budka’s liaison with the government. The Vernon internment Camp was closed down on 20
February 1920.
Ministry 1921–1933

Following his release, Petro Kamenetsky returned to
parish ministry. Throughout the 1920s and early 1930s, his pastoral work in
Saskatchewan and Manitoba proved difficult and discouraging. In 1921 Bishop
Budka assigned him to Canora and Norquay, Saskatchewan. When the Allied Powers
had placed Eastern Galicia under Polish administration, the Western
Ukrainian National Republic (ZUNR) launched an campaign for the international community to support its independence. The ZUNR sent representatives to Canada and sought support from among the clergy. Ukrainian
Orthodox leader, Wasyl Swystun, ran for federal parliament in December 1922. Many
Greek-Catholics supported his campaign, hoping that a Ukrainian in parliament
would increase support for the independence of their homeland. Perhaps the
wiser from his earlier conflict in Saskatoon, rather than opposing the
candidacy, Kamenetsky openly supported it. Even the Ukrainian Catholic newspaper
Kanadiiskyi ukrainets observed tacit
neutrality toward the campaign.
Bishop Budka, however, was unhappy at such open support
for his arch-rival, Swystun, and decided to transfer Kamenetsky to Fort William,
Ontario, in February 1922. This caused not a little dissatisfaction among the Canora
faithful. The following month Kamenetsky convinced the bishop to let him continue
to serve in the countryside, because he felt that the rural faithful
appreciated him more. Perhaps He was still scarred from his experience in Saskatoon.
In hindsight, such apprehensions appear ironic, considering the success and
popularity that Father Petro would enjoy in the urban centres of Sudbury and Toronto.
Bishop Budka heeded his request and assigned
Kamenetsky to Arran and, the following year, to Rosthern and Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.
In 1924 he was transferred to Hafford, Saskatchewan and, at the beginning of
1925, he to Vita, Manitoba.
Winnipeg, December 1923 |
Petro Kamenetsky had emerged from captivity a changed
man. During his internment at the Vermon camp he had contracted serious
rheumatism. When he had arrived in Canada nine years previously, he was young
and fit, with a full head of wavy hair.
Yet, by the winter of 1923, a photo of the Ukrainian secular clergy
shows that he had become bald and overweight. Like a number of his confreres,
he had become discouraged by the divisions and lack of support from the
faithful and told Bishop Budka that he was thinking of returning to his native
Lviv Archeparchy. By 1925, Kamenetsky’s health had deteriorated futher and he
asked the bishop for a two-month sick leave. Following this convalescence, he
was assigned to Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, from where he was also to serve
and Transcona, Janow, and Kenora, Ontario.
the Fall of 1926 Bishop Budka transferred Father Petro to Saints Peter and Paul
Parish, Ethelbert, where he was to remain for seven years. He was also responsible for serving the
communities of in Mink Creek, Roblin, Garland, Pine
River, Sclater, Cowan, Winnipegosis, Ashville, as well as the smaller
settlements at Venlau, Kulish, Zalissia, Dry River, Ukraina, South Bay, Cowan,
and Valley River. Budka told him reside
in Sifton, in order to teach and hear the confessions of the children. Following
the closing of the Apostolic Missionary School in 1917, the Sisters Servants of
Mary Immaculate took over the building and established their own school, but they
had been forced to leave in 1924 after the building burnt down. Kamenetsky’s efforts for their return, came to fruition in 1933.
Ethelbert faithful were sorely in need of religious instruction and Father
Petro observed that they had little understanding of the teachings of their
faith. His efforts to catechise and to remind them of their moral duties led to
numerous complaints. The new Ukrainian bishop, Vasylii Ladyka (appointed in
1929), considered moving Kamenetsky back to Canora, or to Fort William,
Ontario, where he had been originally destined in 1922.
Kamenetsky’s father and two siblings had preceding him
to Canada in 1912. His brother Volodymyr had entered the Basilian Order in 1918
and assumed the monastic name Vasylii. Ordained a priest in 1926, Father
Vasylii arrived in Canada in January 1930 to begin forty years of missionary
work. During his Winnipeg (1935–1937) and Edmonton (1943–1949) pastorships, he
oversaw two major projects: the purchase of Holy Family Cemetery near Winnipeg,
in 1937, and the completion of Edmonton’s St. Josaphat’s Cathedral, in 1948.
Ethelbert, Father Petro went to live with his sister, her husband, and their
aged father, who had become senile. At the time, Father Petro was himself receiving
electro-therapy for rheumatism, was sick all throughout the month of June 1931.
While hospitalised he was glad to receive a rare visit from his brother, Father
Vasylii. When making weekly visits to Dauphin for treatment, Father Petro did
not neglect to minister the sick and dying in the local hospital. On the way he
also stopped to visit Ukrainians congregations in
Roblin, Merridale, Shortdale and Shell River, Manitoba.
his pastoral zeal, during a pastoral visitation of April 1932, Bishop Ladyka found
a divided Ethelbert Parish, with some favouring and some opposed to their
pastor. Ladyka delayed any transfer due
to old Yosyf Kamenetsky’s condition, but by the end of 1933, Father Petro himself
was ready for a change. He requested and
was granted an “audience” with his bishop on 1 November 1933. This meeting would prove to be providential
for, exactly two weeks later, Bishop Ladyka transferred him from the prairies
to Ontario, where he was to serve for the rest of his life with great zeal and
Sudbury 1933–1937
Altar Boys guild 1940s |
On 14 November 1933 Bishop Ladyka notified Father Petro
that he was appointed parish priest of Sudbury, Ontario, as of St. Michael’s
Day (22 November according to the Julian Calendar). Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Church (St. Mary’s) was a poor church building and Kamenetsky soon began
to improve both its interior and its exterior. In his first month he established
an Apostleship of Prayer group to improve the spiritual state of the community.
The local nickel mining provided
employment for many Ukrainians. Bur despite their relative financial comfort,
they did not sufficiently support their church or their pastor. The parish
priest had to live in a single room above the church sacristy and took his
meals at the local Catholic hospital, where French-Canadian sisters took pity
on him. The
parish had only sixteen registered families and, of these, only six were
fulfilling their duties. Despite such hardships, some parishioners lobbied to
have Kamenetsky’s monthly remuneration reduced from 80 to 60 dollars.
Father Petro exhibited much zeal in serving the
surrounding communities. The church in Conniston burnt
down in 1934 but, the following year, the congregation bought a Communist hall and
converted it into a chapel. In 1935 Kamenetsky made four visits to the
impoverished community in Sault Ste. Marie.
He also advised the bishop to establish congregations in Kirkland Lake,
Timmins, Shumacher, Ontario and Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, areas of large but
scattered and unorganised Ukrainian settlements.
The Ukrainian community
in Sudbury was very politically divided, and political divisions had a divisive
effect on St. Mary’s Parish. The three main political groups were Communists, the
Ukrainian Hetmanite Organization (UHO) and the Ukrainian Nationalist Home (USH).
The Communists were the most numerous and did not associate with the church. The
Hetmanites had enjoyed the support of Bishop Budka, who saw the conservative movement
and its Sich sporting clubs as a bulwark
against nationalist radicals and Orthodox. The previous parish priest had also
supported them, but Kamenetsky was wary of the movement because, he observed,
it put “the nation first and God second.”
He sought to win back the sixty USH families who had abandoned the church
after their hall opened in 1934. This angered members of the Sich, who complained to the bishop of
the new pastor’s nationalist proclivities. Ladyka advised Kamenetsky to
concentrate his energies on the remaining families.
Kamenetsky, ignored this advice and worked tirelessly for
the return of the lost sheep. Over a period of ten months the USH members were
won over. They returned to the parish and continued to
sent their children to Catholic schools and the number of Confessions and Holy
Communions doubled. Parish membership increased from 16 families in 1933 to 200
in 1935. Father Petro thus explained his position to the congregation:
“the future of our church
does not rest on any political party, it depends on the number of good church
members who consciously fulfil their religious obligations. As their pastor he
is obliged him to treat them all equally, honestly and sympathetically.”
The return of the
USH to the parish infuriated the Sich-Hetmanites because the latter had been
seeking a political
monopoly in the Greek-Catholic community. UHO members stopped frequenting the Sacraments,
refused to pay their parish dues, and advised people not to contribute toward the
church debt. By winter 1939 the Sudbury Sich had severed its ties with the parish
altogether. Despite the exit of the Hetmanites, Kamenetsky had successfully
revived the parish and paid off the mortgage in full. In 1936 he reported a
one-hundred percent increase in the number of Easter Confessions.
Toronto 1937–1973
On 4 September 1937 Bishop Ladyka transferred Petro
Kamenetsky to Toronto. The city already had an established parish, St.
Josaphat’s but, with the arrival of new immigrants throughout the 1920s and
30s, it was in dire need of more churches. Father Petro’s assignment would be
to serve at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church and in the East Toronto area. In
1928 and old Protestant church had been purchased on 276 Bathhurst Street, through
a bequest from the late Archbishop McNeil. In 1935 Basilian missionary Father Andrii
Trukh founded a religious brotherhood at the church.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help was formally established as a separate
parish on 8 October 1937, with Father Kamenetsky as its first parish priest. In his first years, the new pastor founded brotherhoods,
sisterhoods, a youth group, and a school. Bishop Ladyka made a canonical
visitation in May 1939 and, this time, he was very pleased with what he saw.
The following year, as Father Petro celebrated his silver jubilee of priestly
ordination, Ladyka conferred upon him the dignity of honorary canon. Undoubtedly
a reward for his long and faithful service, this was also a sign that the
bishop considered him one of his best priests.
During the Second World War, Canadian authorities sought
to avoid the internal tensions that had occurred during the previous war. The
government encouraged Canadians of Ukrainian origin to form a committee, which was
to work closely with federal authorities to ensure a united patriotic front
within their community. The Toronto branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee
was founded on 21 February 1941, and Canon Kamenetsky was elected its honorary
president. Representation from both Catholics and Orthodox helped bring the
committee to foster a sense of unity to the Ukrainian community of Toronto. Kamenetsky’s
role also cleared him of any suspicion, especially since, in the previous year,
his name had published in suspicious journal without his knowledge or consent. This
incident caused him great anguish because of what had happened to him during
the previous war. Kamenetsky enthusiastically defended the Committee before the
lacklustre support of some of the Ukrainian-Canadian clergy.
he had done in Sifton many years previously, Canon Kamenetsky continued his
support for and served as long-time to the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate.
Over the years he contributed many religious articles to the Ukrainian Canadian
press. In August 1942, he travelled to Winnipeg to represent Eastern Canada at
the celebrations of Bishop Ladyka’s 30th priestly anniversary. Although
hospitalised with pneumonia in January 1943, he nevertheeless made a complete
recovery. He helped establish a Ukrainian Catholic
Students Institute in September 1945 and made pastoral visitations to the
soldiers who had returned from the war but were housed far away from the
With Bishop Boretsky 1949 |
After many years of
planning, in 1948, the Roman Apostolic See finally divided the single Canadian Greek-Catholic diocese into three apostolic exarchates. Rome selected two prominent priests
from Ontario to fill the new charges: Isidore Boretsky was named bishop for
Eastern Canada, and Andrii Roberetsky was named auxiliary bishop to Ladyka, who
had been elevated to the rank of Archbishop. Although he had been the senior
cleric in Eastern Canada, Kamenetsky was passed over.
It would be interesting to know if his
nationalist reputation or, in the words of Roberetsky, his “record from the last
war” (arrest and internment) had any bearing on him not having been
During the inauguration of the Toronto exarchate,
on 27 May 1948, Kamenetsky was chosen to read a Ukrainian version of the papal
bull establishing the diocese. One of Bishop Boretsky’s first acts was to name Kamenetsky as first consulter of his priestly
council, in recognition of his senior status. The following year Kamenetsky was
transferred to Scarborough, Ontario. In 1950, he functioned as exarchal administrator,
during Bishop Boretsky’s Holy Year pilgrimage to Rome. On 20 January 1959 he was
granted the dignity of domestic prelate of His Holiness, which carried the courtesy
title of Monsignor. He received the distinction together with Basil Filevich,
future bishop of the Ukrainian Eparchy of Saskatoon.
Domestic Prelates of Toronto Eparchy 1959 |
In 1960, Bishop Boretsky
entrusted Kamenetsky with yet another foundational project: the construction Protection
of the Mother of God parish in Toronto. The corner stone was laid on 2
September 1960 and the church was completed on 18 August 1963. Kamenetsky served
as its first parish priest from 1963 to 1964. On 30 December 1964, a banquet
and concert to honour Kamenetsky’s 50 years of priestly service.
Monsignor Kamenetsky’s name spread beyond the Ukrainian
community and he became well-known in Catholic circles across Canada. Though he
developed heart disease as early as 1947, he did not enter into his final
illness until 1968. In 1969 Cardinal Yosyf Slipyi, Head of the Ukrainian
Catholic Church worldwide, elevated him to the rank of mitred archpriest. When asked to describe his priestly journey, he
replied: “твердий але утішний (harsh but full of consolations).”
Kamenetsky died on 31 January 1973 in Toronto, and was buried on 3 February at
Mount Hope Cemetery. He was predeceased by his father, Yosyf, in 1938. His
brother Ivan was killed accidentally in 1949, and his sister Sophia had died in
1960. His youngest brother, Basilian Father Vasylii, died in Mundare, Alberta,
in 1970. An obituary printed in the Brandon (Manitoba) Sun, noted that Monsignor
Petro had ministered as a “priest for 58 of his 81 years.”
Holy Protection 1963 |
of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg, Книга
Ординаріяту, Nicetas Budka, Secular
Priests, Petro Kamenetsky (PK).
of the Eparchy of Toronto (St. Nicholas Church).
della Congregazione per le Chiese Orientali, Ruteni.
Segreto Vaticano, Arch. Nunz. Canada.
and Archives of Canada, R174-69-6-E; RG13 A2, vol. 239, file 2497.
Перший Шематизм Торонтонської
Єпархії 1948–1963, Торонто 1963, p. 98.
“Апостольський Екзархат Схід. Канади” Українські вісті, vol. XXI, no. 33 (17
August 1948), p. 1.
Довідник до Історії Українців Канади, p. 273.
Beginnings of Ukrainian settlement in Toronto,
1891–1939, p. 41.
Чверть сторіччя на владичному престолі
1948–1973, Юліян Бескид, ed. (Toronto: Наша Мета, 1975).
Dmytro Blažejovskyj, Ukrainian Catholic Clergy in Diaspora,
p. 100.
Andrew Gregorovich, “The Ukrainian Community in Toronto from
World War One to 1971,” Polyphony (Summer 1984), p. 123–126.
Bohdan Kordan, No Free Man:
Canada, the Great War and the Enemy Alien Experience (unpublished
manuscript), p. 361.
Lubomyr L. Luciuk, Roll Call: Lest We Forget. Canadian Civil Liberties Association. The
Kashtan Press, Kingston 1999, p. 30.
T. Martynowych, Ukrainians in Canada,The Formative Period
1891–1924. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Edmonton
T. Martynowych, Ukrainians in Canada, The Interwar Years,
Book 1: Social Structure, Religious Institutions, andand Mass Organizations.
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Edmonton 2016.
Athanasius D. McVay, God's
Martyr, History’s Witness: Blessed Nykyta Budka, the First Ukrainian Catholic
Bishop of Canada, Edmonton 2014.
Пропам’ятна Книга з нагоди золотого ювілею поселення
украінїського народу в Канаді 1891–1941. Голос Спасителя, Йорктон 1941.
Stacey Zembrzycki, According
to Baba: A Collaborative Oral History of Sudbury's Ukrainian Community.
University of British Columbia Press,
Vancouver 2014.
“Peter Kamenecky,” Dauphin Herald (7 February 1973).